Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Best Friends Day

Loved today!  I have so many great friends, BUT to be a best friend requires a bit more.  You really have to be there to make that list.  There is an Arabian Proverb that goes something like this:

" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart,
chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it,
keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."

I have a few that could fit that list, but just a few, and two top the list.

My husband is numero uno on that list.  Love you, honey!  He knows how I tick (a little more than I prefer sometimes), what my downfalls are (still loves me and still tells me how great I am), and puts up with my grumpy side (well...sometimes he says something).  We love each other even when we stink (mostly him, not me very often...cough, cough) or we say something totally unintelligent (again rarely me).  We are free to be goofy around each other without embarrassment.  We even don't mind being around each other's morning breath, with a few exceptions.  He's been a part of my life for 21 years, longer now than I have been without him.  He got the evening portion of today.  As expected, our kids took some of that time, but NOT ALL OF IT.  We are having one of our favorite treats (hot rice with butter, sugar, and yummy!) and chocolate chip cookies with three kinds of chocolate in them and then hopefully a movie at home.  I'm guessing the movie might end up being pushed aside with a few other things...kid and life things.

My number two is Heather.  We both had a list of items of our own today, but managed to fit in a mani/pedi this afternoon.  We've both been either out of town or busy with our own family stuff or sick, and we just haven't had a lot of time to do much together this summer.  Heather and I have known each other for a few years now.  Our kids are close to the same ages.  Heather is someone that I learn a lot from.  She has a lot of characteristics that I would like to develop, really great ones.  I really didn't have a best friend until I met her (husband excluded).  I am grateful she is in my life.  I have a ton of fun with her, and I am, just plain and simple, a better person because of her.  We can tell each other stuff that we just need a female for or because our husbands are just males and don't communicate like a female (doesn't that just stink).  So, anyway, today we decided to be a little bold with our toes.  I'm sure our daughters would laugh at the thought that what we did we even consider bold...compared to their toes... but for us, this is bold.

I'm on the left, Heather is on the right.
I paid for hers and she paid for mine, which worked out well since they cost the same.  I'd have loved more time with her, but our families beckoned our attention.  At least I can look at my toes and remember the fun afternoon I had.

Today, think of your best friends of the past and present.  Think of the great memories you've created together.  Life is full of joyful times, and a best friend certainly is part of those.  I am thankful for every single moment I have with mine.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha oh youre crossing over to the wild side! ;) Cute shoes though, both of you!


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