Friday, September 28, 2012

National Love Note Day

Love notes.  I certainly don't mind receiving them.  I know that my husband enjoys them as well, so it's not just something reserved only for the female population.  I don't need Myth Busters to test that theory.  Sometimes we write love notes because it's an anniversary or we saw a sappy commercial that made us remember how wonderful our spouse is.  If we are single, we might have seen our future Mr. or Miss Wonderful across a crowded room and we want to woo them into our life.  Words dripping with romantic overtones across "special" paper, some with little hearts scribbled here and there or lightly scented (hopefully not reeking) with the fragrance of roses, are what we typically envision.  Then there are the old brown-edged envelopes filled with permanently creased handwritten letters neatly stacked and tied together with a beautiful ribbon; letters written to bridge a distance between two people in love.  Whatever the style, it's all sentiments of love.
As a woman, it isn't hard to express my feelings in a love letter.  We eat, sleep, and drink romance. For men, it isn't so easy.  It is hard to feel manly while writing a romantic letter.  In their minds, they must pen nothing short of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet styled love poetry.  Women don't need Shakespeare, but the men mistakenly think we do.  Men also find romance a source of vulnerability.  To them it's no different than being caught sobbing in public.  The fear of being seen as anyone other than a cross between John Wayne, Rambo, and the Terminator is quite strong amongst the male gender.  After all, saying, "You are as beautiful as a rose," doesn't gush "tough guy." 
To help the men in our lives I found a great website for them to know how to write the kind of love letter that will make their wives or girlfriends shower them with kisses and cry happy tears.  Manly Love Letters link
I hope to see some manly men wooing their special someone.  Oh, I gave the men in my life (three here at home) their favorite candy bar and a big hug saying, "I love you."  I think that's how guys also enjoy receiving a love note...maybe not so much on the hugging for the teenage ones.

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